How to find the vc runtime version from an exe

Using Dumpbin

Microsoft provided a build tool called dumpbin to display information from exe.

Step 1: Open the Developer Command Prompt for VS 20XX

Step 2: Run the following command

dumpbin /dependents <exe file>

Step 3: Looking for the MSVCPxxx.dll or VCRUNTIMExxx.dll. The xxx is the version number of the vc runtime.

  • 70: Visual Studio 2003
  • 80: Visual Studio 2005
  • 100: Visual Studio 2010
  • 120: Visual Studio 2013
  • 140: Visual Studio 2015
  • 141: Visual Studio 2017
  • 142: Visual Studio 2019
  • 143: Visual Studio 2022

Python script to check the vc runtime version in entire folder



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